A CALL FOR JUSTICE: Monsanto & Co must pay

A CALL FOR JUSTICE: Monsanto and Company must pay

Seven European associations have signed a statement in support of the Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange/dioxin and their association VAVA. Several other organizations are joining the appeal and the Danish Vietnamese association has adopted a parallel statement.

We the undersigned in calling for justice for the victims of the chemical Agent Orange, adopt the statement made by the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin 25 February 2008.

On February 22nd, 2008, in New York, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit affirmed the March 19, 2005 judgment of the U.S District Court dismissing the lawsuit of Vietnam's Agent Orange victims against the companies who manufactured this deadly chemical.

This is an irrational, biased and unfair decision which does not respond to the reality faced every day by the Vietnamese victims whose suffering is caused by Agent Orange/Dioxin.
The U.S. chemical companies' production and supply of toxic chemicals for U.S forces' use in the Vietnam War continues to cause deadly and long lasting consequences to human health and ecosystems in Vietnam. The U.S chemical companies knew very well that their products were harmful to human health before they were used in Vietnam.

They have ignored the truth and evaded liability for their crimes committed not only against Vietnamese victims, but also against victims in other countries involved in the Vietnam War.
The demands of the victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin are completely legitimate. The Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin have no other option than to continue their fight for justice, and we support their appeal to the U.S Supreme Court. Meanwhile we shall campaign to gain stronger support from the whole human community,, including that of the American people.
We ask people of conscience the world over to stand side by side with us in demanding that the producers of these lethal poisons fulfil their legal, spiritual and moral responsibilities for the consequences that they have caused.

The pain suffered by the victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin in Vietnam is the common pain of humanity.
The struggle for justice must prevail.

Signed by:
Association Belgique- Vietnam (Belgium)
Association d’amitié franco-vietnamienne–AAFV (France)
Associazione Nazionale Italia-Vietnam (Italy)
Association Suisse- Vietnam-Vereinigung Schweiz-Vietnam (Switzerland)
Britain-Vietnam Friendship Society (United Kingdom)
Freundschaftsgesellschaft Vietnam (Germany)
Al Burke, Stockholm 2002 Conference co-ordinator (Sweden)

Other endorsments (first list, France ):
Americans Against the War-France (AAW)
Association Républicaine des Anciens Combattants (ARAC)
Comité français du village de Van Canh
Enfants du Monde-Droits de l’Homme
Echanges Provence Asie du Sud-Est Vietnam (EPASEV)
Mouvement de la Paix-France
Mouvement contre le Racisme et pour l’Amitié entre les Peuples (MRAP
Union générale des Vietnamiens de France (UGVF)
Union générale des jeunes Vietnamiens de France (UJVF
Union générale des Etudiants vietnamiens en France (UEVF)